Madagascan Rosewood (Botanical: Dalbergia baronii, madagascariensis)

Madagascan Rosewood Characteristics

Madagascar Rosewood is comprised of a small number of Dalbergia species only found on the African Island of Madagascar.  Generally easy to work with both hand and machine tools.  This wood turns well and produces a high polish.  A diffuse porous wood with large pores in no specific arrangement.  This wood has a distinct rose scent when being worked.

Color Range

Heartwood generally ranges from a light yellow brown to a darker orange or reddish brown.  Darker black streaks are common.  Can produce a grain figure known as spider webbing or landscape that is also found in Brazilian Rosewood.

Other Names

Palisander Rosewood, Madagascar Rosewood.

Some Typical Uses

Veneer, musical instruments, inlays, carving, flooring, tool handles, accessories, fine furniture and turning.

What's The Tree Like?

A tall tree 50 to 75 feet or more, producing a long, straight trunk about 1 to 3 feet in diameter.


The Island of Madagascar, Africa