Harper's Weekly

 July 20, 1878

Complete magazine with supplement

usually 30-40 pages with full page prints

Large format 12X16" . Inside News and prints: Cover shows the Henley Regatta Course; Full page prints: Another Eastern Question - the Imperial Bengal TIGER ENTERING Europe - NAST; Centerfold is the meeting of the Congress at Berlin; Two phases of immigration - Europe's contribution to the U.S. and America's contribution to Europe; Indian shows Jean Destree the relics of a mysterious fight.  .   Other  prints: 2 cartoons; the Elevated railway at  42nd street and 6th Ave. ; Dr. R.H. Gilbert; Moose hunting in Nova Scotia - 5 scenes.  ;   ads. Lots of other items.

Full issues are nearly impossible to find.  .

Over One Million Magazines in stock. In the trade since 1976. Visit us at millionmagazines. Also million-magazines.

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