We now have a selection of Vass for sale - in stock and ready to be dispatched in 3 days.

  • Manufacturer: Vass - Made in Hungary.
  • Shoe Care: Comes with original Vass shoe box, dust bags (trees available on request)
  • Condition: Brand New
  • Upper Material: Finest Calf Leather from our french tannery.
  • Inner Material: Fully Leather Lined.
  • Sole Material: Leather Oak Bark (unless illustrated).
  • Sole Design: Hand welted beveled waist.
  • Shoe Construction: Purely hand welted.

EmaiI: Ascotshoes@outlook.com - For full consultation on your Vass sizing.  

eBay prices includes 20% UK Tax (VAT) - For the 20% deduction please let us know: https://www.ascotshoes.co.uk/pages/contact-us