Meet the Defender - Advanced 4G GPS Tracker from iTrackers

The Defender is a hard wired 4G (Cat-M1) GPS tracker which is perfect for keeping track of moving assets like cars, motorbikes,
boats, trucks, and much, much, more. It has also has a built in 170mAh backup battery in case the hard wire is cut! 

The Defender comes pre-configured so setup takes just minutes! So unlike the cheap GPS trackers sold on eBay, there is no messing 
around with having to send SMS messages.

Made in Europe.

Don't risk purchasing a 3G device given the 3G mobile networks in Australia are going to start to be shutdown over the next few 
years (Telstra has already started shutting down parts of their 3G network).

Need a portable, rechargeable GPS tracker? Check out our Buddy device at

Powerful Features
  • Real Time Tracking: Tracks every 30 seconds or 5 minutes when moving (depends on data plan).
  • History Route Playback: Easily view location history from up to 90 days ago.
  • Overspeed alarm: Be alerted when your device goes over a specified speed.
  • Geofence: Create a virtual boundary and be alerted when your device enters and/or leaves the boundary.
  • Sleep mode: When stationary for more than 5 minutes the Defender will go into sleep mode to save power.
  • Backup battery: With a built in 170mAh battery, the Defender will still work even if the main power supply is cut.
  • GPS & GLONASS: The Defender uses both GPS and GLONASS satellite networks for accurate tracking.

Tech Specifications
Dimensions: 65mm (L)  x 56mm (W) x 20mm (H)
Weight: 55g
GPS antenna: GPS & GLONASS satellite networks
Tracking sensitivity: -162dBm
Input voltage range: 10 - 30V DC 
Accuracy (Open Sky): <3m 
Operating temperature: -20°C to 60°C
Backup Battery size: 170mAh

Advanced Phone App & Web Tracking Platform
Whether you have 1 or 1,000 assets, instantly know where your assets are in real-time 
thanks to our web tracking platform and phone app. Obtain coordinates, speeds and 
directions with the highest precision and don?t let remote areas or concrete jungle stop 
you from pinning the exact location.

Real-time Telemetry Data

Seconds matter when it comes to high-value assets. Be empowered with realtime visibility:

  • Location

  • Movement status

  • Ignition status

  • Odometer

  • Engine hours


Protect vehicles and equipment from unauthorized use or theft by sheltering them with a virtual fence.
Deliver automatic notifications via SMS and email when the asset leaves the perimeter. Respond
faster and recover misused assets. 

Alerts On Everything Important

Instantly learn about key events, react to changes on time with instant automatic alarms
via email and SMS. Customize notifications.

Why Buy A Defender?
1. Setup is quick & easy! 
The Defender comes fully pre-configured so all you need to to do is connect it to the vehicle battery, download the phone app and
add the Defender to it and then obtain a data subscription plan. It is that easy with no messing around with SMS messages like you
have to do with those cheap GPS trackers.

2. Very accurate due to GPS & GLONASS satellites
Many of the GPS trackers on the market only use the GPS satellite network to obtain their location coordinates. The Defender uses
both the GPS and GLONASS satellite networks which ensures a more accurate location.

3. Our own phone app - your data is safe with us!
We have our own phone app and web platform which we 100% control. Most GPS trackers on eBay use unreliable Chinese based
phone apps and web platforms. Is your personal data safe with them?

4. Full after sales support
Many sellers on eBay will just sell you the GPS tracker but not provide any after sales support if something goes wrong. At iTrackers,
we back up our products with real after sales support so we are here to help you should you ever need it.

Superior Network Coverage
The Defender has a built in SIM card which allows it to use Telstra's enterprise 4G Cat-M1 network which has the most extensive coverage
in Australia! Telstra's enterprise 4G Cat-M1 network (which is different to their standard 4G network) has more coverage of Australia than
the 3G networks of Telstra, Optus and Vodafone combined! See below coverage map.

Don't risk purchasing a 3G device given the 3G mobile networks in Australia are going to start to be shutdown over the next few years 
(Telstra has already started shutting done their 3G network).

A data plan is required and this is purchased from us when you go to activate the device. Pricing starts from $9.50/mo
(billed annually) and plans can be viewed at:

The Defender will not work with your own SIM card.

Warning When Buying a GPS Tracker on eBay
Beware of the following when buying a GPS tracker off eBay. We have had many customers come to us who have made at least 
one of the errors below!

1. Never choose a 3G GPS tracker 
The 3G networks of Telstra, Optus and Vodafone are eventually going to be shutdown over the new few years. In fact both Telstra
and Vodafone have already turned off their 2100MHz 3G spectrum. Why risk buying a 3G GPS tracker when it will be useless
within in a couple of years? At iTrackers, all of our GPS trackers use Telstra's 4G Cat-M1 network, which ensures your device is 
future proofed!

2. Never use an ALDI SIM card 
Using an ALDI SIM card in your GPS tracker is actually against ALDI's acceptable use policy which prohibits the use
of their SIM cards for machine to machine or IoT (Internet of Things) use which a GPS tracker falls under. ALDI are no starting
to turn off SIM cards which they can detect are being used for machine to machine or IoT (Internet of Things) uses. Our devices
come with a pre-installed SIM card which uses Telstra's 4G Cat-M1 network so you never face the risk of the SIM card being
turned off.

3. Be careful of Chinese based phone apps and web tracking platforms 
All of the 'free' phone apps and web tracking platforms offered on eBay with GPS trackers are Chinese based. This means the
eBay seller has no control over this software which is usually unreliable. Also do you know who has your data? At iTrackers,
we run our own phone app and web tracking platform so your data stays with us.

4. Lack of after sales support 
Make sure whoever you buy your GPS tracker from will be there when you need after sales help. At iTrackers our
support team are here to assist you with your GPS tracker.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. How often does it track? 
When moving the Defender will track its location every 30 seconds. This can be upgraded to every 15 seconds for a low fee.

2. Can I use my own SIM card?
No. The Defender comes with a built in preconfigured SIM card which allows it to use Telstra's enterprise 4G Cat-M1 network which
has the most extensive coverage within Australia. Standard 4G SIM cards will not work in the Defender.

3. Do you own your own phone app?
Yes! Most sellers on eBay simply force you to use a Chinese based phone app and have no control over your data. Because
we have our own phone app and web platform, your data is safe with us.

4. Is the Defender portable?
No. The Defender is a hard wired GPS tracker. If you are after a portable, rechargeable GPS tracker, then we recommend you 
check out our Buddy device.

5. Are there any extra fees?
The only additional fee is the data plan which is required so that the Defender can relay it GPS location coordinates across
the Telstra 4G Cat-M1 network to your phone app. The data plan is purchased from us when you go to setup the Defender
and pricing starts from a low $9.50/mo (billed annually). You can view the available plans at

6. What is a geo-fence?
A geo-fence is a virtual boundary you can setup and once the Defender leaves this boundary you will be notified via email 
and the phone app. For example, you might have the Defender in your caravan that is located at your home. Setup a 
geo-fence around your home and if the Defender leaves the geo-fence, you will be notified by email and a notification on 
the phone app!

7. Can I track more than 1 Defender on the phone app?
Yes. You can add multiple Defender's to the phone app so you can keep track of multiple assets at the same time.

8. Do you offer a discount if I buy more than 1 Defender?
Yes. We offer discounts when you purchase more than 1 Defender.

In the box
  • Defender GPS tracker
  • Power connection cable
  • Directions to the getting started guide

Please contact us should you have any further questions!