A Bit of History

In October 1953, in the home of some friends, Charles H.Welch made a recorded Bible study
message, now catalogued as W1, on the subject of “Right Division”. That was the first of what
was to become, over the next 14 years, a collection of well over 500 messages expounding the
In 1954, at the suggestion of Len Canning, Arthur Rumsey began recording the teachings of
Charles H. Welch onto reel-to-reel tape machines at the Chapel of the Opened Book (London, UK).
This great work formed the Berean Forward Movement, Tape Recording Service (TRS). Not
long after, Stuart Allen was also recording messages, and the tape library began to grow. Far
from wanting to draw attention to themselves via this “new” medium, however, their approach was always that “Christ is the Word - the recording service, like John the Baptist, is content to be a voice”.
In 1960, the second edition of a little booklet titled “To Minister and to Record” contained these words:
“This is an expensive part of our ministry, but we are quite convinced that it is an
essential and helpful part. Maybe, Mr. Welch and Mr. Allen cannot get to your place once
a year, but we can lend you a tape and you can have the benefit of their study and labour,
say, once a fortnight and be sure of a different address for the next eight to ten years,
even if we stop immediately!”
Of course, they didn’t stop, and, as the years passed many more recordings were made, and other rightly dividing Bible expositors had their messages put onto tape at the Chapel, and elsewhere within the UK.
With the advent of new technology developed in the mid 1990’s, John Porter (UK), and Jeff and Fred Doak (USA), transferred many of these expositions into a digital format that will be easier to preserve, and be accessible to many more people around the globe. In the process, the sound quality has been improved on many of those recordings which had previously become close to inaudible. In some instances, these recordings are clearer than the original recordings made on reel-to-reels and cassette tapes.

Note: These Bible Study are on 1 DVD in the MP3 format and requires a computer or MP3/DVD  Player to listen to these recorded lessons.

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