We provide Professional C-41 color film developing and High Res film scanning service. 

*We do develop BW as well, please contact.*

Our return customers will tell you the high quality images from our service. It's definitely different than the low-end Walgreen like film scan. Let the work speaks itself. 

Film format: 

35mm and 120mm, (4 x 5 sheet film order please contact individually). 


Ship your film after purchase. Our address will be provided after purchase. 

**Please include the following items in your envelope.

-Contact info (Name, Return address)

-Your film (Of Course!)

After receiving your film, we will process it on the same day. 


Film will be scanned in high resolution: 3200 pixel at longest side. 

Scanned images will be sent to you through a private link. 

Mailing your negatives back:

Your processed film will be mailed back to you.


Please feel free to ask us if you have any questions. 

Looking forward seeing your film.  Let’s keep film alive!