Artist realistic teddy panda cub Wesley by Maria Trotsenko

Artist realistic teddy panda cub Wesley by Maria Trotsenko. Day of birth - 24 June 2018. This realistic teddy panda handcrafted with a lot of attention to details, using my original custom pattern. Please note, this artwork is true one of a kind, and never will be reiterated. Wesley made of Steiff Schulte German alpaca. The body stuffed with holofiber and steel granulates. The nose and claws made of polymer clay. The paws made of leather. The weight of teddy panda cub is 0.44kg. His head and paws are movable, he has 4 movable joints inside and a skeleton for free posing. Legs and arms are wired. Wesley can sit himself. The total length from ears to toes is 10 inches (25cm). I love my toys as they are and I don't want to change them in any way.

Materials: Steiff Schulte alpaca, leather, holofiber, polymer clay, steel granulates, handcrafted glass eyes & 4 disk-joints, lockline skeleton.

For adult collectors only. This toy contains small parts, delicate details and may not be washed. Melochy dolls coming from a non-smoking home in safe packing. Free shipping anywhere!!! We ship worldwide from Ukraine via UkrPoshta (Ukraine International Postal Service). Your purchase will be carefully packaged and will have a tracking number. Shipping from Ukraine to US and Australia takes about 20-30 days, to Canada - 20 days, to Europe - 10-15 days, to other countries - 30 days.