This ten volume series "An Alphabetical Analysis" comprehends the lifetime work of the late Charles H. Welch. These volumes will be of service to all Bible students provided they are prepared to consider carefully all that has been written in good faith but with the author's added proviso — ‘Search the Scriptures' to see if what is advocated stands the acid test of the Word of God. The central and fundamental object of the entire scope of this erudite work was ‘the pre-eminence of the Son of God'. Dispensational, Doctrinal, Prophetic or Practical teaching must center upon the office of the ‘ one mediator ' Christ Jesus the Lord and to realize that ‘Christ is all and in all'.  If Christ Jesus is given the first place, then it is truly believed that these ten volumes will provide the honest seeker for truth with a wealth of information which will enrich their knowledge of the sacred Scriptures of truth and at the same time glorify the Lord Jesus Christ who truly is both the living and the written Word of God.

In the introduction to part three of this series the Author says: ...‘The insistence of Dr. E.W. Bullinger upon the need “Rightly to divide the Word of truth” and to “Try the things that differ” especially with regard to the several callings made known in the Scriptures, prepared our minds to consider Acts 28:28 as a "Dispensational Frontier". Perhaps the present writer's contribution to the opening up of the Scriptures, dispensationally, could be expressed as follows: ...While other students of the Word saw that the rejection at Acts 28 was a crisis, few if any looked upon it as of vital importance. They seem to have come up to the closing chapter of the Acts, and then turned back to epistles like Corinthians as the basis of their assembly and their hope, whereas, when we come to Acts 28:28 and realized that it was a frontier and that another sphere of blessing lay beyond, we simply said: " let us cross over, and see this good land "‘

The set is arranged as follows .. (1) Volumes 1-5 (Dispensational truth) ..                 (2) Volumes 6-7 (Doctrinal truth) ..   (3) Volumes 8-9 (Prophetic truth) 
(4) Volume 10 (Practical truth).    Over 3000 pages of serious Bible studies.

Included is an index in one book for all volumes.
All 10 volumes and index are in PDF format.
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