These are never worn pet socks from Taiwan. Blue and white.

You may be asking yourself, why does a pet need socks. Isyour cat always knocking things over and hissing? Maybe they need socks!Ever seen an unhappy dog or cat in socks? No you haven't! Your cat ordog will be hella stylish in these socks. If your pet is single, they'refinding a hella cool mate with these socks. If they have a mate but want toupgrade (no value judgment! Players gonna play), these socks will get them madattention!

Dogs and cats without socks are like school on Thanksgiving: no class!Pets with socks? Hella stylish.

The flaws in these socks is that your pet isn’t wearing them right now. If yourpet could talk, it would be like "this is what I needed my whole life andyou're still wondering about these socks? If you don't buy them, I'll get youin your sleep, pal".