Sized by Height 1 Color
No Background
7 Inch Tall is 6.5 Inch Wide
Premium Quality
Adhesive backed
Outdoor Indoor Vinyl
For glass vehicles laptops and more
True Artworx
New designs always in works
Custom needs send message
Many other size color design options
Biohazard Melting Liquid Safety Hazard Warning
Symbol Poison Icon Shape Toxic Hazardous Poison
Zombie Bio Drip Sticker
Specialty Bio Hazard Decal
Choose Specialty Color Size

Glow in dark colors need charged in daylight or bright artificial lighting 
Glow is temporary but can be recharged over and over.

Fluorescent colors are based on color they show under black/UV light.
Fluorescent Red is slightly orange in tint.
Fluorescent orange is considered Safety or Hunter's orange.

Black reflective appears as plain gloss black in daylight
Reflective colors are made with safety reflective vinyl
and are slightly metallic flaked
Camera flash or bright light at night needed
to see reflective properties.

Etched Glass Silver is semi-transparent. 

Neo Chromes reflective spectrum of colors in sunlight.