  • 120 milliliters Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • 100mg Carbon 60: 99.95% or higher.
  • C60 Concentration 82mg/100ml Olive oil.
Features: Manufactured by USBucky Co, USA
  • Mixed 2 weeks in dark.
  • Vacuum filtered 0.22um.
  • Vacuum baked solvent free C60.
  • Purple color when viewed in a bright light. (3000K LED light bulb through bottle)
  • Packaged in a light blocking glass bottle with an eye dropper cap.
  • 20 drops twice a day will deplete the 120ml bottle in 4 to 5 months.
  • For laboratory and research purposes only.
  • Store in a cool dark place. 
Buckyballs: The Buckminsterfullerene Buckeyball is a molecule of 60 Carbon Atoms. If you are buying C60 you have probably searched the internet extensively and found a list of claims for what it might do. We can't list it all here. The best news is that, so far, no one has published any adverse effects for medium to large mammals. REF:
We manufacture to a concentration of 82mg/100ml. Like dissolving salt in water, only about 90mg/100ml C60 will reliably dissolve in olive oil. Trying to get to full saturation results in wasted undissolved solids in the manufacturing process. The Olive Oil used is Extra Virgin from Italy.