An original Hammond Multiplex Polyglot Typewriter Serial Number - #214296 in very good original condition. The Hammond was far ahead for its time. It used a wide variety of fonts and could change faces quickly and easily. Included in this sale is an original font catalog. The basic mechanism of the Hammond was used by IBM when they came out with their "Selectric." The ribbon needs ink and it should be good to go. I received letters from my grandmother every year written on this typewriter, usually written in a different font. It was a lot of fun for her and was certainly great for me, getting letters written on the same typewriter used by Presidents to write their speeches. 

I have had this typewriter for many years and it is time for it to find a new home where it will be appreciated and bring a healthy dose of fun and appreciation for things made in the past in the age before digital electronics - or any electronics at all for that matter. 

Measurement of case:

Width - 14"
Length - 14 1/4"
Height - 8"
Weight - 22 pounds