This is the Genuine Replicape 3D printer controller by Thing-Printer of Norway. We purchased a number of these for a project that never came to fruition. Now these brand new, in-the-box, controllers may be your last chance to upgrade your printer with this outstanding example of precision engineering. We are offering these at their original $99.00 price. When these are gone, there may no longer be a chance to purchase a new one since Thing-Printer has ceased offering them for sale. Full documentation and instructions are still available on

The Replicape attaches to a Beagle Bone Black single board computer (not included) transforming it into a powerful, 32-Bit multi-tasking 3D printer controller. When combined with the Manga Screen (available from Thing-Printer), you get a state-of-the-art 3D printer with touch-screen control, network interface and on-board Octoprint web browser access. Simply download the Kamikaze firmware image, flash it to the Beagle Bone and you're ready to go. The Replicape features five channels of quiet Trinamic stepper controllers plus hot end and bed heater drivers with inputs for thermistors and end stops.