Theatre Magazine

July 1926


Some of the articles and full page photos In this issue: ; Tessa Kosta is on the cover; Mary Ellis in the Romantic Young Lady; albert H. Woods - producer; Caprice in the Mirador ballet; The mental averages of audiences has lowered in the theatre; the making of a musical comedy in illustrations; Glenn Hunter - from Park bench to stardom; What every woman knows at the Bijou with Helen Hayes; The importance of being Earnest by Oscar Wilde; Full page print 0 how a modernist sees the past season's plays; Iolanthe at the Plymouth theatre; Circus Princess in Vienna; Queenie Smith at the Liberty; Why I prefer to play the Scarlet Woman by Florence Reed; Masters of makeup - 4 photos; Greenwich Village Follies - Moran and Charles Mack with Bailey and Barnum in blackface; One of the Family at the Eltinge; Expressionism in the dance; Edward G. Robinson; Lunt and Fontanne; Love in a mist at the Gaiety; Leo Carillo; Mrs. Fisk, Mary Garden; Full page print - John Barrymore - a new Don Juan; Harvard Dramatic Club; Hart House theatre in Toronto; Lots of fashions; Irene Dunne and her Pontiac; John Gilbert's home; Ramon Navarro and his Lincoln;;    This issue includes the index for the last six months of 1926.

  ; .     Ads, fashions and a number of full page prints as well as lots of other articles on plays and performers.

Theatre was an expensive and large magazine with heavy stiff covers and gorgeous artwork with vibrant colors as the cover indicates. It covered the nation but emphasized theatres in New York as well as the Metropolitan Opera. Later the movies were covered. Great ads including automobiles. Plays and musicals as well as the actors and actresses themselves.

Chosen Reflections/Million Magazines, Kaufman TX 75142

Over one Million Magazines in stock 1843 to the present

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