BHK's Evening Primrose Oil + Borage Oil (Cold Pressed) Softgels
60 Softgels/Box
Take 2 Softgels A Day

Hormones (PMS + Menopause)

Evening Primrose Oil is a high-quality source of Omega-6 essential fatty acids to support women with PMS, skin problems, joint discomfort and overall health and wellbeing.

Skin Saver
Its rich store of essential fatty acids is believed to nourish the skin and reduce inflammation.

Hormonal Balance

It is commonly taken to alleviate premenstrual syndrome and hot flashes during menopause.

Support Joint Health

Source of GLA is essential to maintain, and repair joint's cell and structure.

BHK's 月見草油複方軟膠囊

好朋友乖乖來 月來月美麗
月見草 x 琉璃苣油 調節女性生理平衡


Chinese Translation

月見草油複方 軟膠囊食品簡介

月見草(Evening primrose)+琉璃苣油(Borage Oil )豐富GLA調節女性生理平衡。

原產於北美洲的黃色野花,又名為晚櫻草,擁有強韌的生命力,其中豐富的gamma-linolenic acid/GLA,是一種不飽和脂肪酸,人體無法自行製造,只存在於少數植物中,如月見草、琉璃苣草..等,因此需要透過飲食來攝取。