W243-FAUSTO M Martini ( Poet, Novelist, Critic) Letter Autographed Signed, 1918

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Eighth sheet, dated 11/15/18 of 11 lines, addressed to an unknown woman, with this beautiful lock: "If she is a lady, (I don't know anything about her) I kiss her hand: if I miss her, I squeeze her very tightly veneration". On April 18 of the same year FM Martini married Emma Angelini Paroli ... MARTINI, Fausto Maria. –Rome on April 14 1886 - 12 April 1931. Poet, playwright, novelist, critic. Meditative, explorer of American literature since 1906, open to cinema and futurism. An interventionist consistent with serious and repeated wounds to the front, she reveals - in addition to an attitude of considerable sensitivity - a great vital freshness tinged with irony and sincere love for letters. Between 1903 and 1904, together with C. Govoni, A. Tarchiani, G. Calza Bini and A. Tusti, he actively animated the poetic-literary cenacle built around S. Corazzini ... After the death of Corazzini in 1907, Martini with Tarchiani and Calza Bini decided to leave Italy and embarked on a Spanish steam bound for the United States. It was a real adventure of which, after many years, M. wrote widely in the second part of his most famous novel: He lands in New York (Milan 1930) ... In 1915 - after firing the subject of Satanic Rhapsody, a futuristic musical film directed by N. Oxilia - M. left as a volunteer for the front. He was wounded twice: the first on Mount Slenza, slightly; the second, in November 1916, in the trenches of Cima Pal Grande in Carnia, instead suffered injuries so serious that he was forced to spend three years in different hospitals before being able to return to his work as a journalist and playwright ... His marriage to Emma Angelini Paroli also dates back to this period (18 April 1918). Between 1921 and 1931 he divided himself between the theatrical critic, narrator and playwright activities. April 22 1921 at the Valle theater the company D. Niccodemi represented Il fiore sotto le occhi (ed. Milan 1922), an excellent example of intimate comedy. The drama L'altra Nanetta followed (ibid. 1923), represented Dec 7. 1922 at the Manzoni theater in Milan by the Emma Gramatica company; The facade (Florence 1926), staged on February 16. 1924 in the theater of villa Foscari by a group of fans of dramatic art; On the evening of 30 (ibid. 1926), recited on 20 January. 1926 at the Argentina theater by the dramatic company Melato-Betrone; finally Bisboccia (Rome 1929), the last of M.'s theatrical labors, performed on 29 May 1929 at the Margherita theater by the Petrolini company ... The fame of the novelist remains however tied above all to Si disembarks in New York, a work rich in autobiographical elements, poetic-sentimental digressions, tragic and comic ideas inserted in a theatrical type structure. M. died in Rome on 12 April. 1931.

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Eighth sheet, dated 11/15/18 of 11 lines, addressed to an unknown woman, with this beautiful lock: "If she is a lady, (I don't know anything about her) I kiss her hand: if I miss her, I squeeze her very tightly veneration". On April 18 of the same year FM Martini married Emma Angelini Paroli ... MARTINI, Fausto Maria. –Rome on April 14 1886 - 12 April 1931. Poet, playwright, novelist, critic. Meditative, explorer of American literature since 1906, open to cinema and futurism. An interventionist consistent with serious and repeated wounds to the front, she reveals - in addition to an attitude of considerable sensitivity - a great vital freshness tinged with irony and sincere love for letters. Between 1903 and 1904, together with C. Govoni, A. Tarchiani, G. Calza Bini and A. Tusti, he active