• ensures the circulation of water in the ground
  • protects against the formation of putrefaction zones
  • is an ideal substrate for nitrifying bacteria
  • facilitates rooting of plants
  • works for many years and does not require refilling
  • completely harmless to fish
  • does not change the color and transparency of the water
  • does not contain harmful nitrogen compounds or phosphorus
  • does not require rinsing before use
  • efficient and easy to use

Super Aquarium AQUA GRUNT is a specialized mineral substrate dedicated to fish tanks with dense planting density. It has the form of light, porous granules intended for use as a gravel foundation. 
AQUA GRUNT contains numerous elements (including iron, magnesium, aluminum and silicon) necessary for plants that gradually releases by enriching them with water. It is free of nitrogen compounds and phosphates. Its unique, porous structure prevents the formation of anaerobic zones in the deeper layers of the substrate and is an ideal substrate for the development of beneficial nitrifying bacteria. Facilitates the rootation of newly planted plants.

How to use?
Recommended to use a layer with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm covered with a layer of 3 cm of washed gravel.

The substrate works for many years and does not require refilling.
One package with a capacity of 1.25 kg is enough to install a standard tank with a length of 60 cm