P.T.T. Personal Trainer for Tongues Audio Book by Sid Roth 3 CDs & 1 DVD Set. Condition is Very Good.

Sid wants you to learn about speaking in supernatural languages from top authorities on the subject. Their personal testimonies will help you tap into new levels of this gift from heaven and reap God's intended benefits! In this extensive training resource, you will learn from 11 noted teachers. This special mentoring DVD includes Sid's prayer for you to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Play this DVD for your Christian friends who have questions about the validity of this gift, or who are hungry for more of God. In addition, get keys to unlock multiple languages, understand your tongues and much more 

●How to prophesy your destiny 
●How to increase your revelation of Gods Word 
●How to increase the Gifts of the Spirit in your life 
●How to hear God's voice clearly 
●Charging your spiritual battery 
●Breaking into multiple prayer languages 
●Activating angels, and more