Traité des bandages et des appareils; Avec und description abbrégée des brayers ou bandages. Et de plusieurs machines propres à différentes Maladies.

Paris, chez Guillaume Cavelier et chez l`Auteur,1761., 1761. Table: I. Partie: I. Des Bandages en général. II. De la Bande et de ses conditions. III. II. Partie: I. Des Bandages en particulier. II. Des Bandages et des Appareils du Tronc. IV. Des Bandages et Appareils qui servent aux extrémités supérieures. V. Des Bandages et Appareils des extrémités inférieures. - Des Bandages ou Brayers, et de plusieurs Machines propres à contenir quelques parties

Jean-Joseph Sue (sometimes called primus to distinguish him from his son) (1710 1792) was one of the most famous anatomists of the eighteenth century. He was a professor at the Royal College of Surgery. Author of an Abrégé of the Anatomy of the Body of Man (1748) which was so successful that he published two years later a new classical treatise on dissection Anthropotomy or Art to dissect (1750, reissued in 1765) Sue was a professor at the Royal College of Surgery and at the Royal School of Painting and Sculpture until 1792 when he was replaced by his son1. He published more than 200 anatomy charts and numerous treatises on surgery and anatomy, including a treatise on osteology (1759). (Wikip.) Sprache: Französisch Gewicht in Gramm: 1100 Second edition.