Our new Beat Breakerz Carbon Fiber Brush will eliminate dust on your vinyl records and get your grooves spotless! Great for cleaning records left out on your turntable or for cleaning records you just took out of the sleeve! Give it a few turns with the brush and your good to go!

  • 1. Place your record on the turntable to start rotation. 
  • 2. Gently hold and position the brush in the grooves as the record spins. Let the records rotate 1 or 2 times until the dust has been collected. 
  • 3. Keeping the brush on the vinyl, carefully pull the brush toward you and try not to lose any of the collected dust it may be necessary to perform a second pass to sweep up any remaining dust particles. 
  • 4. That's it. Drop the needle and enjoy!

Cleaning Your Brush:
Simply rotate the brush grip in and out of the black handle a few time. Wow! All Clean!

  • Do not touch the carbon fiber bristles or subject to any undue pulling or bending.

In short, they are ideal of their stiffness and strength for using in many applications. Carbon fibers are so much smaller than a human hair. Your records will get a deep cleaning!