
December 8, 1892

Inside:   The false rumors of William W. Astor; Mr. Barry Pain's allegories; Bar Harbor 1/2 page cartoon, Centerfold is Charles Dana Gibson - Salons of New York - loving couples staying are pieces; Andrew Carnegie founded the Music Hall;   . ads. Lots of other items.

This original magazine is well illustrated with humorous sketches as well as serious issues of the day. Stereotypical views of Irish, Jews, Chinese and Black. Indians were treated the same but sympathetically. Beautiful women grace its pages. these were purchased from the original accountants years ago. 

If you're interested in the comic weeklies of the 1800s and early 1900's, please check our offerings of Puck and Judge.

Over One Million Magazines in stock. In the trade since 1976. Visit us at millionmagazines and also our alternate store million-magazines

Chosen Reflections Inc/Million Magazines, Kaufman Texas 75142