Drifter Braided Rug

Spice Cross Sewn Rectangle & Square

Sewn by Capel's artisans, the Drifter collection

draws inspiration from the designs and colors

of handwoven baskets.

These rugs create a traveled, collected look

by marrying global cultures into a melting pot of color.

Crafted in a proprietary wool blend,

the braids are designed with an exaggerated texture

resulting in visual and tactile appeal.

(34% Wool, 33% Nylon, 33% Polyester)

Pile height is 5/8".

Reversible for twice the wear.

Vacuum regularly. Surface shampoo and dry flat.

Drifter braided rugs are made in the USA.

Available in cross sewn rectangles

with many nice sizes to choose from.

To choose the size of your choice,

just go to the very top of this listing and use the dropdown box.

Capel Rugs - Since 1917.

All payments must be made

within 5 days of your committing to buy.

If you need to make other arrangements,

please let me know as soon as possible.

Your rug will made at the time it is purchased

by Capel Rugs and then shipped UPS.

This usually takes 2-3 weeks.

I will post your tracking numbers

here on ebay as soon as it ships.

Free shipping in the USA.

Template Design © 2010 In My Cedar Chest
Some Original Vintage items Courtesy of Christina - Unauthorized Duplication Prohibited.