Foxmans takes eye care very seriously. In this digital age, with screens everywhere, Digital Eye Strain and Insomnia is becoming a serious concern. 

What you need

Blue-light blocking (HEV light) computer glasses which shield your eyes whilst you are working on your computer, using your mobile phone, watching TV or gaming. Blocking blue light before bed-time also helps prevent insomnia.

Our Solution and What you can expect

High-quality stylish plastic frame (TR90) with CE & FDA approved blue-light blocking lenses which filter out 98.5% of all HEV spectrum light. Our frames are flexible to fit most faces


Research has shown that using your digital device screens for extended periods of time can cause various physical symptoms such as headaches, migraines, blurry & dry eyes, difficulty focussing and general deterioration of your eyes (Macular Degeneration).

In addition, using your devices for 3-4 hours before bed time can trick your brain into thinking it is still the middle of the day, due to the strong HEV light emitted by your devices, making it harder to fall asleep naturally and get a good night's rest.

Using anti-blue light Computer Glasses (in conjunction with other solutions) is an effective way to combat digital eye strain and insomnia. Foxmans offer a modern solution to a modern problem.

Our Promise

High quality product and quick & efficient customer service.