Australian Aboriginal Art - Bush Banana & Fire Dreaming

Hat Type: Reversible Bucket Hat

Design 1: Bush Banana by Donna Abbots

Design 2:  Fire Dreaming by Janet Long Nakamarra

  • Unisex Design
  • 100 % Polyester
  • Fold-able and lightweight
  • Easy to wash
  • Brim Size – Small: 56 cm, Medium: 58cm, Large: 60 cm

Dreamtime behind the Design 1: Bush Banana is a climbing woody vine found growing on other shrubs and trees. Its flowers are creamy in color. The thick narrow leaves grow from a short stock, and fruits are pear-shaped. Bush Banana is widely distributed throughout Australia. Often vines are found growing in dry creek beds and water courses in arid zones. Bush banana is a potent plant for Aboriginal people. The fruits have good nutritional medicinal value. The extract and paste of leaves are often used to treat pains, stomach upset, flu, etc. Bush Banana has got many Aboriginal names. One of the Aboriginal names is Anangkwe. Bush banana is a totemic plant that is often featured by many Aboriginal artists in their artworks. Donna Abbot is an experienced and skillful artist from Alice Spring, Northern Territory. Her usage of color and design makes her work unique. Donna?s dreaming is Banana and she learned painting from her parents. M&S Textiles Australia is the largest manufacturer of Australian Aboriginal designs printed on good quality 100% cotton fabric. Aboriginal artworks are popular throughout the world and the only living ancient artworks. Its tradition goes back 50,000 years ago revealed by carbon dating of rock painting, cave painting, etc. It is amazing that many of the artists do not have any formal education or training.

Dreamtime behind the Design 2: The Fire Dreaming ceremony is one of the six seasonal cycles of the Traditional Aboriginal Calendar. This ceremony depicts an element of the Tingari Cycle. The “Fire Dreaming” ceremony takes place the night before the controlled fires are lit in the bush and carries on throughout the night to provide the right relationship between the people and the land on which they depend.