
August 27, 1896

The Bicycle Age Begins

Inside:  Haunted maiden cover; Charles Dana Gibson full page print - the woman has to stop drinking coffee for it keeps her awake all day;  Sound money is the topic of the election; Every other man is a golfer now a days; Lilienthal dies when his flying machine crashes. Normal people will never be able to afford to fly even if it is perfected;  Recap of August - Wall Street worries about the gold reserve, Chinese go back to China, Hanna and the silver Question,  Justice catches up with Jameson; Centerfold is a nice sailboat print; McKinley's stand on the silver question;     ads. Lots of other items.

This original magazine is well illustrated with humorous sketches as well as serious issues of the day. Stereotypical views of Irish, Jews, Chinese and Black. Indians were treated the same but sympathetically. Beautiful women grace its pages. These were purchased from the original accountants years ago and are uncirculated. 

If you're interested in the comic weeklies of the 1800s and early 1900's, please check our offerings of Puck and Judge.

Over One Million Magazines in stock. In the trade since 1976. Visit us at millionmagazines.

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