Hyaluronic Acid Powder uronic acid contained in the skin diminishes significantly as humans age.  This is the reason for babies having such soft and delicate skin, and also the reason for wrinkles forming as people age.

Here are just some of the benefits to using this wonderful substance:Keeps skin plump and smooth

  • Can reduce signs of aging
  • Found to increase hydration of skin
  • Improves elasticity of skin
  • May prevent UV damage to skin
  • Can reverse free radical damage to skin
WARNING: The information provided in this auction has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not to be used as a substitute for advice from a medical professional. Please consult a licensed health care professional before deciding to take any of the aforementioned substances. It is important that they can look at your body type, diet, exercise regimen, and any other important details about your body to see which of these substances are right for you.

(1). Hyaluronic acid has high purification of more than 99%, with D-glucuronic acid content being more than 45%. 

(2). Since Hyaluronic acid is fine classified in terms of different molecular weight , it can be tailored for customers with various requirememts. 

(3). Protein content in Hyaluronic acid is very low thus hypersensitivity is prevented when using cosmetics made from Hyaluronic acid. 

(4). Hyaluronic acid doesn't contain antiseptic and thickening agent. Hazardous chemicals aren't allowed to be used during production so as to guarantee HA product quality.