Solar Tackle - " D " Riggers  A type with crafty rig rings

2 packets of 5

For some the all time favourite complete with crafty rig rings pop up boilie rig simple to make although the 'D' rig is widely acclaimed as one of the best 'hooking' rigs there is, until now they have been very awkward to tie. 
The Solar 'D' rig puts an end to this.  For the perfect 'D' rig, one eye is simply put over the hook point, then pass the hook link
through the other eye and position on the hook knot as shown.
Baits are then tied to the crafty ring either 'dental floss style' or simply tie a loop to the ring long enough to take one or more
baits and thread on as normal 'D' riggers are are totally tangle free and equally effective with either
pop-ups or bottom baits  very effective 
The D - Rig applies carp anglers as one of the best rigs with the best ratings & excellent presentation.
Just one or both eyes on the tip of the hook slide and possibly the Tippet through the other .
Now it only after the attachment of the bait .
Specially designed and make hook ejection very much more difficult for the fish, as the bait and hook are held apart.
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