Scientific American

April 1935

Very Rare

This large issue is in good condition. .Lots of drawings, ads and artwork. Some of the articles inside are: Rev. Father Julius A. Nieuwland; photography in advertising; A high speed sailboat; There's life in the old locomotive; The earth's wobbling axis; Exploring prehistoric Georgia; The sanity of insanity or the insanity of sanity; Pinhole photography; Paints in transition; Fly high for comfort; Grand Coulee Dam is a natural damsite; Cork in firebricks;   ;  . . a number of other articles and photos..

Most Scientific Americans in stock 1879-present. Most Supplements in stock 1878 to 1919. Inquire about other issues.

Chosen Reflections/ Million magazines, Kaufman Texas 75142.

In the trade since 1976. Over one million Magazines and one million original prints in stock.