This auction is for the exact item(s) in the listing title, in the condition indicated. 

Please check the uploaded photo and eBay's "additional item description" (what you are currently reading) and NOT item description for item accuracy.  Stock photos (if shown) should not necessarily be considered accurate.  Photo(s) of the listed item(s) you will receive have been uploaded to assist you in making an informed purchasing decision.  

    BRAND NEW - Original factory seal.  Item is BRAND NEW and the outer box is in excellent condition (but not perfect).  90/100. 
    Any items that have redeemable content is subject to expiration and may no longer be valid (please research your specific item). 
    Includes only the edition of the game listed. 
    Signature confirmation and insurance may be required for purchases in excess of $100. 

Please be aware that games, DVDs & Blu-Rays sometimes become dislodged from the case during transit.  This is particularly common in Blu-Ray PS4 games.  This is almost never an issue, as Blu-Ray discs are very scratch resistant and cannot be damaged in the case through normal (even somewhat rough) means.  
Combined shipping is offered by purchasing items in the same transaction and discounts (if applicable) will be processed in that manner.  You may need to change your shipping option in order for discounts to take effect.  

Brand new, sealed items are not eligible for return if opened

Best Offers are encouraged, but please note that they will generally not exceed 5-10% of the BIN price, and will likely be rejected if the item is already at the lowest price on eBay.  

Shipping and handling times are automatically calculated, but please note that items will almost always be shipped within 1 day of purchase.