The system is compatible with Guru’s X-Safe system – the only safe elasticated feeder system on the market – and the weight options (24-45g) and three sizes (mini, small and large) cover short, medium and long-range situations.

Guru’s brand manager Adam Rooney, who’s led the development of the Hybrid feeders, explained how the idea for the unique design came about: “The Hybrid feeder came about from myself and Steve Ringer discussing an alternative to the method. We wanted a feeder that had the casting ability and the bait presentation of the method feeder, but had the added protection of the scoop surround and ability to quantify the amount of bait fed each cast.

“The idea was not to replace the method, as it will always have its day – however, we wanted a way of presenting a hook bait perfectly surrounded by a small neat pile of free helpings. We cut up, bodged and modified many feeders to try and create the effect we needed. After many prototypes we struggled to get the bait to behave how we wanted.

“Then our newest sponsored angler at the time, Paul Holland, sent me a feeder in the post, simply saying we need to do one of these. The feeder was a modified Guru method feeder with a cage wrapped around the sides - it looked horrendous!

“However, after a few tests in the tank we were getting the effect we wanted and soon realised the holes in the cage were the key to the perfect bait release. The holes allowed the water to get into the bait quicker, making it break down at a faster rate, whilst the cage kept everything tight and compact, creating the perfect pile of bait with the hook bait sitting proudly on top.

“From this we went to our designer to create a new type of feeder. Using the latest materials available and the weight-forward technology, the Hybrid was born. Once we received the first samples, we carried out months of testing and tweaking until we had a range of feeders that would cope with most situations.

“The results were fantastic with myself, Steve, Paul and Pemb Wrighting all celebrating good match results using the feeder.”

The key features of the Hybrid are:

· Holes in the base and slits in the sidewalls allow quick, but controlled breakdown
· Raised sides help keep bait in place on cast and control bait breakdown
· Compatible with the X-Safe system – the only safe elasticated feeder system
· Areodynamic design - weight forward to aid casting.
· New one-piece body is pretty much indestructible.
· Quick and easy to load
· New commercial camo paint finish

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