see photos for more on item condition and description
Guaranteed satisfaction or money refunded

For Items where download Digital copy is offered can't guarantee availability (May have expired)
G - Good
VG - Very Good
LN - Like New
New - New still in wrapping
PR - Previous Rental

Some of the movie titles available
White Noise 
White Noise 2
Little Deaths
Freddie vs. Jason
Cigarette Burns - John Carpenter
The Moth Man Prophecies 
Zombies - 4 movies - Land of The Dead - Dawn of the Dead - Prince of Darkness - The Serpent and the Rainbow
Snow White 
AE Apocalypse Earth - PR
Infected - PR
Spiral - PR
Moscow Zero 
Amityville II : The Possession
The Cave
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Beginning - significant wear on disc
The Ring
Ginger Snaps