This is the exellent CoCosdc for the Dragon 32/64 and The Tandy CoCo 1 , 2 and 3 computers. The CoCosdc acts like a disk drive and plugs into the cartridge  port.The CoCosdc will load disk images to it. The CoCosdc will load DSK , JVC , VDK and SDF disk images. The CoCosdc can also hold 8 rom images which can be programmed to hold whatever rom image you like. If you are using this on a CoCo 1 and it has a E or D motherboard version you will have to do a very simple mod on your motherboard. Your CoCosdc will also come with a 3d printed case.

Please note,
On the Tandy you have to have the Extended basic rom installed.

 Your CoCosdc does not come with an sd card, you will have to provide your own sd card.

You will only get the CoCosdc device with case.