Product Details

Bamboo Charcoal Anti Acne Soap

Detoxifying, Deep Cleansing

Bamboo Charcoal is known for its inherent antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-odor properties. Its incredible absorbency qualities that incorporated into soap makes it an effective cure for acne, anti-wrinkle and reduce signs of aging.

An additional benefit, washing with bamboo charcoal soap with activated carbon prevents bags forming under the eyes. The tender skin under the eyes collects dirt that normal cleanser could not remove. Eventually the dirt collects to such an extent that the skin sags under the weight of the dirt. This dirt can be removed by bamboo charcoal soap and the skin’s elasticity is restored.

Ingredients: Bamboo Charcoal Powder, Organic Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Goat Milk, Sodium Hydroxide, Essential Oil Blend and Love

Best for face & body • All skin types

100g (+/- 10g)

* Vegan soap against animal testing. Each bar is manually cut and carefully cured for 45 days. Superfatted 5% with Sweet Almond Oil (Superfatting makes a rich emollient soap: moisturizing, soothing, softening)


Best for face & body • Suitable for sensitive skin and normal skin


Bamboo Charcoal Powder, Organic Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Goat Milk, Sodium Hydroxide, Essential Oil Blend and Love