Sycamore Tree (Acer pseudoplatanusin large 25-30cm pots 24-36 months matured. 
Minimum of 50cm - 70cm / 18"- 24" high

The Sycamore came to the UK 1,500 years ago (approx) from Europe and has become accepted as a British species. Fast growing and easy to propagate once established and matured on your land.

This is from the last 3-4 years seedling stock and is ready to go into your grounds.

A source of shelter, habitat and food (pollen) for many insect species - which in turn attracts local bird species for lunch!

Part of sales earned will contribute towards our many new planting community initiatives. Thank you!

Chances are if you are a local who buys this - you'll keep coming back !!

Pick up only in Cardiff area

Far too cumbersome &/or delicate to post !!! Save some plant miles !!!

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