The kiwi fruit is native to China. The first seeds were brought out of China by missionaries to New Zealand at the turn of the last century.  It was named "Kiwifruit" after New Zealand's national bird, the brown and furry kiwi.

The plants need a long growing season without late winter or early autumn freezes, but Kiwi fruit can be grown in large pots indoors as a house plant for about two years before they become to big. When fully dormant they can withstand temperatures to about 10° F.

Outside Kiwifruit will tolerate part shade but prefer a sunny location where they can ramble across some type of trellis or support. The vines should be protected from strong winds as gusts can snap off new growth.

Sow seeds on the surface of good quality seed compost then finely cover with seived compost and water lightly. Place container in a plastic bag and place in a sunny spot or on a windowsill, keep damp. Germination in 14 - 28 days. When seeds have sprouted remove plastic bag. Once true leaves have formed pot on.

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