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wax apple

Wax Apple, scientifically known as Syzygium samarangense, is a tropical fruit tree native to Southeast Asia. It is also commonly referred to as Rose Apple or Jambu. The name "Wax Apple" comes from its waxy appearance, with a smooth and shiny skin that can range in color from green to red.

The fruit of the Wax Apple tree is typically round or pear-shaped and has a crisp and juicy texture. The flesh is translucent and white, similar to the texture of an apple or pear. It has a mildly sweet and refreshing flavor, often likened to a combination of pear and watermelon. Wax Apples are commonly enjoyed fresh as a delicious and hydrating snack.

Wax Apple trees are relatively small in size and can be grown in tropical and subtropical regions. They prefer a warm climate with plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil. Regular watering and fertilization are necessary for optimal growth and fruit production. The trees bear fruit year-round, with peak seasons varying depending on the specific region.

Interesting Fact: Wax Apples are not only appreciated for their delightful taste but also for their potential health benefits. They are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin C and potassium.

In conclusion, Wax Apple is a tropical fruit that offers a crisp and refreshing eating experience. With its unique texture and mild sweetness, it is a delightful addition to fruit salads, desserts, and beverages. Whether you enjoy it fresh or incorporate it into various culinary creations, Wax Apple is a favorite among fruit enthusiasts in Southeast Asia and other tropical regions.

how to care

Choose a sunny location with well-draining soil.

Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball.

Mix the excavated soil with organic compost or manure to improve the soil's fertility.

Place the root ball in the center of the hole and backfill with the soil mixture.

Water the tree thoroughly to settle the soil.

Planting trees is the best way to get a better world. help the CO2 to be absorbed, favors less polluted air and give life to an entire ecosystem.  Now you can choose your favorite tree, so you are also part of the massive reforestation. Let's take care of our home The EARTH. 

Water the tree regularly, especially during the growing season.

Fertilize the tree with a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 months.

Prune the tree in late winter to shape it and remove any dead or diseased branches.

Protect the tree from strong winds, which can damage the delicate branches and fruit.

Harvest the fruit when it is fully ripe, which is indicated by change color.


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Your order will be dispatched within 1 working day of receiving payment (Monday-Friday) and you should expect to receive it in 5 days priority mail shipping.

In the very unlikely event that your item is lost or damaged during post, then WE are responsible and will issue either a full refund or replacement.

​​​​​​​Dead or Alive?

Plants die. So, to determine if your plant is still among the living, scratch a small area of bark on the trunk. You can rub it with a coin or fingernail. If you see brown or black underneath, then the plant is dead. If you see green, then the plant is alive and will leaf out again. If the time is fall through spring, the plant is likely in full or partial dormancy. If the time is during the growing season, then the leaves may have temporarily dropped as a self pruning measure. This acts as a reset switch for the plant and is normally just temporary.

Things happen!

We cannot guarantee Mother Nature, hungry animals, plants shipped out of recommended zones, human damage, extreme weather damage, over watering, drought, insects, disease or poor soil conditions. Plants are living organisms that can die from a hundred different causes beyond our control. We do our best to make sure you are getting a quality product. Unfortunately, we are not a big-box store, who can offer plants at a loss. Plants are our business. We go to great lengths to build mutual trust with our customers and guarantee that any plant we send out is culturally viable.

A 25% restocking fee will be charged to the customer if the trees are returned in live condition with authorization, within two weeks of receipt. Customer will be responsible for all shipping and processing charges. We do not refund shipping cost to customers to return their plants to us. By accepting nursery stock, customer accepts seller’s terms and conditions of sale, which constitute the entire agreement. In no circumstance will our liability be greater than the cost paid for the customer’s order.

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