Only One in Existence!
Alien Fetus Sculpture with Period Correct Lab Display Device. 
The Ultimate UFO Roswell Area 51 Space Extraterrestrial Collectable Gift for just One Fortunate Person.


A young Canadian from Ayr, Ontario, volunteered for the Royal Air Force at the outbreak of World War II. Upon receiving his wings, he was posted to England to fly Spitfires during the Battle of Britain.

At the end of the War, he returned to Canada, obtained an Engineering Degree from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and was recruited by the US Air Force to join their elite test pilot programme at a secret facility near Roswell, New Mexico.

The Roswell Daily Record newspaper July 6, 1947 headline was; "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region".

On July 8, 1947, Walter Haut, the Army Air Field public information officer, issued a press release stating personnel from the field's 509th Operations Group in Roswell, New Mexico, recovered a "flying disk" that crashed on a ranch near Roswell.

Later that day, a press conference was held with the Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force, Roger Ramey. He stated the crash debris recovered by the Roswell personnel was from a weather balloon, not a "flying disk".

The US Government has investigated tens of thousands of UFO incidents, such as the 12,618 sightings documented during the 1947-1969 "BLUE BOOK" project, of which 701 are officially classified as 'unidentified'.

More recently, in April, 2017, the SUN newspaper reported that four celebrated NASA astronauts, namely E. Mitchell; G. Cooper; D. Slagton; and, B. O'Leary had become famous for their outspoken beliefs about the existence of extraterrestrials.  

Later in 2017, the Pentagon was reported to have a secret "UFO" office, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), that spent $22 million over five years to study strange and threatening aeronautical events.

When news of AATIP became public, the Defence Department released two declassified videos, which showed pilots talking about a bizarre aircraft with no recognisable means of propulsion.

On Feb 21, 2019, NASA Chief, J. Bridenstine stated that "We're well on our way to discovering Alien life".

And, on May 2, 2019, The Washington Post, reported that the U.S. Navy plans to set up an official reporting and investigative system that will monitor reports from its pilots about unidentified flying objects.

Based on these recent reports and the famous 1947 Roswell sightings, many believe the New Mexico debris was not from a weather balloon, but was debris of unknown material from a crashed alien space craft, including an alien fetus that was extensively examined at the secret US Government site in New Mexico known as "Area 51".

Subsequent to the detailed autopsy examination of the alien fetus, a young female lab technician was instructed to destroy the remains. But, prior to incineration, detailed photos of the alien fetus were taken to a local Navajo craftsman in order to create an exact replica.

Skilfully sculpted using traditional tools and durable native material, the alien fetus was meticulously recreated in every detail and the replica was hidden from the authorities and remained for many years under the careful direction of the female lab technician and the Canadian test pilot, who later became her husband.

After the death of the test pilot, this one-of-a-kind artefact remained in his family along with the details of how this exact replica of the alien fetus found in the space craft wreckage at Roswell, New Mexico, was created.

The alien fetus measures 140 mm in height, 95 mm in overall width between tip of the tail and upper limbs, and 45 mm width between the shoulders.  By sixteen weeks the average human baby measures 140 mm from crown to rump, so the age of the alien fetus would have been approximately 4 months, assuming similar rates of human and alien development.

The average human fetus weighs about 80 grams by the end of the first trimester. Estimating the weight of fetus was in the range of 80-90 grams when alive, and again, assuming alien and human gestation periods are comparable, both length and weight measurements corroborates the age of the alien fetus was approximately 4 months when first discovered.

Further examination of the alien fetus reveals a flat, elongated head with two cranium lobes, and a horizontal elongated left eye socket set far back on the side of the head. The eye location indicates this alien is likely not an attack meat eater, as most carnivore predators would likely have eyes located in a forward looking position on the skull.

The size of the orbits (eye sockets) in relation to the overall size of the skull is generally proportional to the sharpness of sight.  The relatively large horizontal elongated left eye socket therefore, suggests sharp eyesight, although right side orbit is not as visible, since the entire right side of the skull is deformed, likely due to crash damage.

Crash impact damage to the skull also resulted in a missing lower jaw, but, from a positive perspective, this permits ease of examination of the upper pallet, neck and upper body areas.

Most internal organs have been removed, likely due to extraction during the autopsy examination, leaving some of the skeletal structure visible under the skull and along both sides of the body and upper limbs.

Speculation on the method of mobility suggests this fetus would develop the ability to fly based on examination of the tail, developing wings, and suspected keen eyesight.

When fully developed, this bird-like creature would have been able to survive predators through escape by flight, and likely take nourishment by ingesting alien insects and/or selected vegetation.

Gender: Unknown.

This completely unique, hand sculpted, intricately detailed representation of the Roswell alien fetus is displayed on a period correct, labratory device made of high quality steel, used for making precise measurements during autopsy examinations.

This very rare lab device has over 30 moving parts, all well maintained, and with an interesting patina commensurate with age. The lab device has a number of working adjustments points, both on the base to change the angle of the main support rod, as well as two adjustments on the rod itself permitting unimpeded 360 degree visual examination, innumerable positioning options, and ease of removal of the alien fetus for further detailed hands-on examination.

All components of this unique lab device are free for precise adjustment except the four levelling pins on the base which are 'frozen', although may become free with the application of heat and/or pressure. (This procedure has not been attempted due to the potential resulting damage to the device.)

In addition, a hand-blown glass dome, approximately 33 cm in height and 15 cm diameter, with a dark wood base, completes the display package, ensuring the alien fetus and laboratory device remains protected from the elements.

To own, display, examine and selectively share this exclusive piece of history over the decades has been a privilege.

The pictures provided are no substitute for your detailed examination of this unique artefact by magnifying glass and touch, and now, for the first time, this one-of-a-kind collectable, with provenance documentation, is offered to the public, in order to permit only one privileged collector to continue guardianship.

It will be a great pleasure for that one fortunate person, of the many believers in the indisputable presence of innumerable worlds, and the existence of extraterrestrial life in Universe, to possess this ultimate unique collectors artefact.

Thank you for your interest...please see my other one-of-a-kind items.