Defenders 8m Green Screen Slug Guard 

Easy to Use, Pre-Folded Slug and Snail Barrier, Protects Plants, Suitable for Natural & Organic Gardening

  • Humane, easy to assemble 8 m slug and snail guard pack protects plants in garden areas from damage caused by slugs and snails
  • Slug and snail deterrent barrier is pre-folded for easy use and assembly and prevents damage to plants
  • Ideal for use in allotments and vegetable gardens throughout the growing season; chemical, poison-free slug and snail defensive barrier is suitable for natural, organic gardening
  • 8 m pack can be folded and cut to size; multiple packs can be used to protect larger garden areas and plants
  • At the end of each growing season, reusable slug and snail guard can be cleaned and stored, ready for use the following year

Product Description:

Green Screen Slug Guard from Defenders is an easy to install defensive barrier that slugs and snails will find impossible to cross. Install the slug guard around vulnerable plants and vegetable gardens to protect them through the growing season. At the end of each season, slug guard can be cleaned and stored ready for use the following year.

Directions for Use:

To install, you need a tape measure, scissors and a pen. Measure the areas that you wish to protect from slugs and snails. Prepare one side of the slug guard. Measure one side and add an additional 8 cm before cutting. Cut the material to size and mark 4 cm each side. Cut 4 cm slits at the top of the panel of slug guard, leaving a 1 cm strip at the top.
Bend the two 4 cm sides of the slug barrier inwards, then bend the top 1 cm strip outwards.
Now, prepare the second side. Measure the second side and add an additional 10 cm before cutting to size.
Cut the material and mark 5 cm each side. Cut 5 cm panels out of the slug guard, leaving a 1 cm strip at the top, so you have a t-shaped piece of material. Bend the top 1 cm strip outwards.
Connect the two pieces of slug guard to together so the 1 cm lips are facing outwards. 
Repeat to create a square or rectangular protected garden area.

Box Contains

1 x Slug Guard