• The Original & Proven (Over 30 Years) 
    Australian Hair Restorer

  • Spray Mane Hair Thickening product onto thinning hair and make your hair look instantly thicker
  • It's quick, easy and effective to use
  • Can be used for all normal lifestyle activities - including all sports (even swimming)
  • Is resistant to wind, rain and perspiration
  • Washes out with warm water and shampoo
  • The Mane Story
    MANE has been scientifically formulated and medically approved for all types of thinning hair and is widely used by women and men in all walks of life. Medical Clinics use, sell and recommend Mane to their transplant patients in confidence. TV and Film Studios use Mane regularly to enhance actors’ hair or cover up their balding areas.

    Mane has proven itself through three decades of usage in the market place under all sorts of conditions. Its credibility and public acceptance is directly related to its cosmetic ability to easily, safely and effectively restore lost hair and confidence in seconds. Mane has no adverse effect on normal hair growth or has any known medical side effects; a fact proven from a very long market usage by thousands of users of all types, age and gender