Campden Tablets - LARGE TABLET SIZE 


For Home Brewing Sterilising & Other uses


-Approved for use in food and beverage products
-Prevents microorganisms from growing and reproducing
– Prevents biological spoilage
-Have antioxidant properties
-Increases the stability and prolongs shelf life to the beer
-Can be used for the removal of free chlorine in tap water which can cause chlorophenolic off flavours in beer
-Can be used to maintain freshness in casks when stored empty
– An easy to use tablet form, no need to measure or weigh


Sodium Metabisulphite is a permitted derivative form of sulphur dioxide and is a well established proven preservative which is used in the brewing, wine and food industries. It is also known as E223. Added to beer at the pH range of between 3.6 and 4.4 it prohibits the growth of wild yeasts, bacteria and fungi giving effective prevention of biological spoilage. In addition to this its antioxidant properties confer increased physical stability and prolonged shelf life to beer.


Campden Tablets are added to the cask at racking or to the fermenter when used as a beer preservative. When used to keep surplus casks sterile in quiet periods, CAMPDEN TABLETS are added to the cask after the cleaning cycle has completed. Campden Tablets can be simply mixed into the beer or water as required and needs no further preparation.

How to use
To use Campden Tablets as an addition to beer as a preservative, suitable rates lie between 10 and 50 ppm of sulphur dioxide (SO2):
1x tablets per hectolitre → 11 ppm sulphur dioxide (SO2)

To use Campden Tablets as a means of preserving microbiological stability in empty beer containers:
2x tablets per hectolitre

To use Campden Tablets for the removal of free chlorine in tap water:
1x tablet will treat up to 14 hectolitres of water

A source of sulphur dioxide in easy to use tablet form. Campden Tablets provide an easily measured method for addition of sulphur dioxide. 

One tablet per hectolitre gives a theoretical addition of 11.5ppm of SO2. Can also be used to remove chlorine from mains water.