1 Liter of Premium AAA Organic VermiFarm Worm Castings. Free shipping Canada wide!

Worm castings are one of the best things to give your plants. Whether you add them to your soil before you plant or brew the castings into a compost tea, we can guarantee you'll notice a difference in your plants overall health, size, colouring, and even plant yields from your fruits and vegetables. 

What are worm castings?

Worm castings is worm waste, or worm poo, from any type of worm that has eaten decomposing organic matter such as fruits, vegetables, compost, leaves, grass clippings, coffee grounds and much more! This makes it 100% natural and organic which is a better, healthier, and safer way to give your plants what they need without having to use any harmful chemicals. These casting are similar to a manure but are much more concentrated when compared to manure from larger animals such as sheep or cow. This means that much less is needed as long as it is applied properly. (Did you know that only 2 tablespoons of worm castings is enough to feed a potted 6 inch indoor plant for up to 60 days!?). The best way to apply worm castings directly is to mix some castings into the soil before planting. This will allow the castings to be spread throughout the plants root zone as it grows and matures and its roots extend further out. Another amazing way to use worm castings is to brew it into a compost tea! Compost teas are liquid gold for plants so if you aren't familiar with this, we highly recommend you look into it!

Casting Uses:

- Brew them into a compost tea
- Growing medium used to germinate seeds/seedlings
- Organic fertilizer for indoor and outdoor plants
- Sprinkled throughout the surface of your garden then gently rake it into the soil.
- Sprinkle on the surface and lightly agitated into the soil of potted plants before watering.
- Mix them into any raised garden bed