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FAP Firenze Snake Cut Barrel and 2 FP Type Keys for Caravan or Motorhome Compartment Lock or Doorlock - SCB4

FAP high security snake cut barrel and two moulded keys

For caravan, motorhome and camper exterior doors

As well as gas lockers, battery housings, access doors and toilet doors

There are two versions of FAP barrels and keys available - 

- we sell both types - this one (SCB4) is the high security version 

Not sure if this is the one you need? The keys have the code FP followed by a 3 digit number - 

Etched on the metal part and on the side of the lock barrel.

High security - there are many key variations - 

- we can't guarantee which number you'll receive

Barrel - 27.2mm extreme length

Barrel - 23.5mm excluding tangs

Barrel diameter on stainless steel outer face - 16.8mm

Barrel diameter on main alloy body - 13.3mm

First insertion of the keys into the barrel is often "Grumpy" - 

- wobble the key around and apply gentle pressure - 

- try a slight change of angle or the other key and Hey Presto !

The key must be fully inserted into the barrel for it to be fitted 

Only goes in one way - on the circumference of the barrel at the far end where the tangs are - 

- there is a little lump which shows you which way it goes in - 

- this corresponds with a notch within the lock barrel receiver

Fairly easy to fit if you are a practical person / locksmith


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