Carludovia Palmata belongs to the Cyclanthaceae family. These plants, despite their appearance, are not real palm trees and are more closely related to Pandanas. This plant is the most common species of its kind. It was named in the late 18th century by José Pavon and Hipolito Ruiz, botanists from the royal gardens of Madrid, in honor of King Charles IV of Spain and his wife Ludovica.
Carludovia Palmata is a palm-like, monoecious, rhizome, perennial herb. The plant resembles a small palm tree. Ripe petioles are 2 to 3 meters long, and the leaves are 1.5 to 4 meters long and 1 meter wide, fan-shaped. Inflorescences grow at the base of the plant, next to the petioles.
Under natural conditions, the species grows in clumps of 40 to 300 mature individuals, and in some tropical areas it is even considered an invasive species.
In our conditions, it can be grown as a beautiful and original houseplant.

This auction is for 5 fresh seeds.