The Prophet's Pond

If your child hasn’t experienced this splendid tale, then they’re really missing out on something powerful. Here’s why:

  • The Prophet’s Pond is about the ‘hawd’ (pool) of the Prophet Muhammad (S) where he will first meet his righteous followers on the Day of Judgement before entering Paradise. So your child will learn about an essential element of a Muslim’s belief in the hereafter.
  • The Prophet’s Pond tells the story of a boy, who, with the help of this mother, goes in search of a specific pond in the hope of meeting a ‘special someone’. He describes one characteristic of the pond with each turn of the page, never quite finding the right pond until his mother discovers he’s actually talking about a pond from the hereafter. It’s then that the adventure reaches it tear-flowing climax in the realisation that her son longs to meet the Prophet Muhammad (S).
  • The Prophet’s Pond is a panoramic picture book with stunning imagery that captivates and elevates your child’s senses and attention, all in an Islamic themed story.
  • The book is written in repetitive rhyming prose that encourages your child’s active participation in reading the story and increasing their enjoyment of the experience.
  • By the time your child has completed the book (which, by the way, they’ll want to read again and again!) they would have effortlessly memorised the description of the Prophet’s Pond; their first meeting place with the Messenger of Allah (S) in the hereafter in-sha-Allah.
    The book is based entirely upon authentic hadith narrations so you can be rest assured that your child is receiving sound and solid knowledge of Islam.

Stories of the Prophets 

This set includes the stories of the following five Prophets:

1.    Adam

2.    Nuh

3.    Ibrahim

4.    Musa

5.    'Eesa (may peace be upon them all)

The books contain stories suitable for children aged 4+ and can be read independently by children aged 6+.

Each book contains:

·         The main stories of each Prophet written in simple language and broken down into short chapters making it easy for your child to read and understand.

·         Reflection points in the middle of the stories encouraging your child to think about the lessons learnt from the Prophet's life.

·         A list of highlighted keywords used in each chapter so your child can grow their vocabulary.

·         Graded exercises that explore your child's understanding of each chapter. 

·         A learning map so your child can see where each story fits in the bigger picture.

The Box of Manners

·         Each manner is coupled with a hadith and reflection question which get your child to deeply REFLECT on the effects of good manners in their own lives so they have a greater impact.

·         Playing miming and charades games SHOW your child the effects of good manners so they can see their effects for themselves.

·         A reference game is included for each of the manners so your child can feel the spiritual connection from their newly formed good habits.

·         There are 27 lofty characteristics presented in this box so your child will have comprehensive coverage of what it takes to become a well-rounded polite individual.

My Prophet Muhammad

The children’s book entitled My Prophet Muhammad (S) captures his character and story in a way that captivates your child’s mind and nourishes their soul. That's because this book: 

·         Spans the entire story of the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (S) covering the main events in his Seerah.

·         Has 28 pages, making it your child's perfect introduction to the Messenger of Allah (S). 

·         There are questions at the end of the story for your child to reflect on what they've learnt.

·         Features beautiful and vivid double spread images that delight the eyes, tell the story and build positive memories whilst learning about the best of creation.

·         Printed in a large size to magnify the immersive reading experience.

·         Has a cover sprinkled with special effects such as glitter and shine to ensure it attracts your child’s attention for reading time and time again

Remind Me of My Dua

·         Remind Me of My Dua covers six of the most common and repeated places that you visit around your home, giving you plenty of reminders.

·         Remind Me of My Dua works with Kiitab  So now your duas can be read out to you along with translations. (Please note the previous edition of this product, entitled "Remind Me" is not compatible with Kiitab).

·         Each card has a narrow portrait design so it can fit on virtually any wall in any home.

Steps to Prayer

·         Steps to Prayer is a step-by-step prayer sequencing game that's fun for your child to engage with and understand.

·         On each card, there is a clear picture relating to the step making it easy for visual learners to identify each step.

·         There is an explanation on the back of each card explaining how to perform the step.

·         Steps to Prayer also teaches your child how to make wudu, what to say in Salah and prayer times.

·         The cards are made from laminated card ensuring they are durable for long term use.

Read & Rise

·         Graded levels that take your child step by step from the alphabet all the way to reciting the Quran with tajweed like a real Shaykh!

·         Features the 'Uthmani script calligraphy style used in the world-famous Madina Mus-haf.

·         A spacious clean layout making the content accessible easy and friendly for children to read.

·         Colourful learning map picturing each chapter as an adventure island, raising the engagement level with each level. 

·         Reward stickers that are used to mark each page once it has been mastered in order to excite children about their learning progress.

·         Motivational hadith about learning the Quran so your child can connect with the deeper purpose of reciting the Quran.

·         A line-by-line tickbox (checkbox) allowing your child to celebrate small wins and visualise their progress.

·         A fold-out reference page to speed up reading progress by having the different letter positions always at hand to view.

·         Durable laminated pages that can withstand tears and continual everyday use.

·         Hardback spiral binding that allows the book to lay flat and be turned over so only one page may be focused on at a time.

·         Read and Rise is compatible with Kittab, which speaks the words out for your child, opening up a whole new world of progress, fun and fluency. 

Arabic Letters Activity Book

All that fun gets your child super excited about the Arabic Letters, so they’ll love learning and look forward to lessons. 

The activity book covers letters in all their forms. Letters are the foundation blocks of words, so this makes the rest of their progress easier and faster, removing your frustration and building momentum in your child’s learning.


·         Kiitab can speak any word that you touch it with, allowing you to listen to Arabic words being pronounced perfectly at your convenience and without the need for a teacher.

·         Kiitab can play games, increasing your child's level of engagement with the learning material.

·         Kiitab can explain things, including translation and rules so you can gain a deeper understanding of the material. 

·         Kiitab is light, portable and so simple to use, so that a child can take it with them wherever they go.

·         Kiitab has enhanced speaker quality, so sounds are easy and clear to understand.

·         Children can however, use headphones if you don't wish to disturb others while learning.

·         Kiitab does NOT use batteries. It uses a USB charger, much like your smartphone.

Kiitab comes with a one-year manufacturer's warranty.

Kiitab with Read & Rise

·         This clever little device understands where your child is on a page and is able to read out anything they touch.

·         This means your child can listen to any word being perfectly pronounced without the need to have your class teacher’s presence.
Double tap a word and 
Kiitab will also explain its rules to you, making it easier for your to understand what's going on in each lesson.

·         Touch the icons at the top of your compatible Read and Rise book and Kiitab will start to play gameswith your child. 

·         These games boostspeed of recognition, making the experience a lot more fun and improves your child's reading progress. 

·         Kiitab is light, portable and so simple to use, that a child can take it with them wherever they go making revision at home something that can be done independently by a child.

·         This will free up parents time at home and a teachers time in class, confident in the knowledge that your child is listening to the words being perfectly pronounced each time.

·         Kiitab has enhanced speaker quality, so sounds are easy and clear to understand.

·         Children can however, use headphones if you don't wish to disturb others while learning.

Kiitab comes with a one-year manufacturer's warranty.

Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids)

We’ve designed these books at mainstream quality standards with Ramadan in mind from the ground up. The book contains an outpour of children having fun practising Islam in an environment and context they can relate to.

·         The activities we’ve included are both practical and contextualised so your child will learn not just about the do’s and don’ts of Ramadan, but also how Ramadan affects their lives, their environment and the world around them.

·         The activities promote core skills so your child exercises a range of behaviours that advance them holistically, ranging from spiritual, mental and creative development.

·         Each page is sprinkled with amazing illustrations showing both boys and girls of all races - displaying the beauty and diversity within the Ummah.

·         We’ve produced these books are two different age ranges so you can find the right level for your child. This particular book is suitable for children who can read independently. We suggest this book is suitable for children aged 8+ but every child is different! 

·         The book contains bucket loads of faith-filled fun. There are tonnes of activities infused with Ramadan learning so your child has fun while learning. Activities include mazes, puzzles, stories, recipes, spot the difference and hundreds of stickers!

·         The activities are hands-on with things to design, to make and to use. We’ve included cut-outs for games, banners, posters and even a pull-out productivity calendar that your child can personalise.

Ramadan Activity Book Set (Big & Little Kids)

We’ve designed these books at mainstream quality standards with Ramadan in mind from the ground up. The books contain an outpour of children having fun practising Islam in an environment and context they can relate to.

·         The activities we’ve included are both practical and contextualised so your child will learn not just about the do’s and don’ts of Ramadan, but also how Ramadan affects their lives, their environment and the world around them.

·         The activities promote core skills so your child exercises a range of behaviours that advance them holistically, ranging from spiritual, mental and creative development.

·         Each page is sprinkled with amazing illustrations showing both boys and girls of all races - displaying the beauty and diversity within the Ummah.

·         We’ve produced these books are two different age ranges so you can find the right level for your child.

·         These books contain bucket loads of faith-filled fun. There are tonnes of activities infused with Ramadan learning so your child has fun while learning. Activities include mazes, puzzles, stories, recipes, spot the difference and hundreds of stickers!

·         The activities are hands-on with things to design, to make and to use. We’ve included cut-outs for games, banners, posters and even a pull-out productivity calendar that your child can personalise.

What to Say When

·         What to Say When contains everyday duas so that their learning practical and they get plenty of chances of practice the words throughout the day.

·         Each dua is isolated on its own card in large text and broken down into small chunks making it easy for your child to memorise.

·         Every dua is translated in English so your child can unlock the powerful meanings of these words.

·         There are 27 cards so that your child will have plenty to learn and kept busy doing good for a long while.

·         The What to Say When cards can also be used in game play so your child can have fun learning the duas whilst also being able to independently track their own progress.

Juz Amma

·         Each page of Juz Amma works with Kiitab, our speaking pen, so that your child can listen to, repeat and master each verse.

·         One of the best features of this book is the Hifdh (memorisation) games that this book plays with Kiitab. The ‘Find Me’ games are not only super fun to play, but they also strengthen your child’s hifz.

·         The Kiitab functions include English translations of each verse so your child can understand what they are reciting.

·         This book includes incorporates the same Tajweed colour codes used in the world-famous Madinah Uthmani Script Mushaf, making it easy for your child to recognise the tajweed rules accurately wherever they occur.

Kiitab with Juz Amma

·         Each page of Juz Amma works with Kiitab, our speaking pen, so that your child can listen to, repeat and master each verse.

·         One of the best features of this book is the Hifdh (memorisation) games that this book plays with Kiitab. The ‘Find Me’ games are not only super fun to play, but they also strengthen your child’s hifz.

·         The Kiitab functions include English translations of each verse so your child can understand what they are reciting.

·         This book includes incorporates the same Tajweed colour codes used in the world-famous Madinah Uthmani Script Mushaf, making it easy for your child to recognise the tajweed rules accurately wherever they occur.

·         We’ve also included a lovely illustrated spread to explain the tajweed rules with examples, leading to better and more accurate recitation.

·         We’ve added a lot of extra space between the lines and words to allow the pages to breathe, making for a spacious, inviting layout for your child to read.

·         Juz Amma by Learning Roots is a hardback book, with laminated pages and a spiral-bound spine, making it durable with flat laying pages that turn back on themselves, allowing your child to focus on one page at a time.

·         We’ve included a pull-out reference page that contains a summary of the tajweed rules by colour and the meaning of the small signs and symbols used in the Quran. Your child has instant access to this reference with every page they recite.

·         We’ve introduced friendly characters and motivational hadeeth to make the experience welcoming for your child.

·         Juz Amma by Learning Roots includes both lesson and revision log sheets to record, analyse and improve your child’s progress with both their recitation and memorisation.

·         We’ve designed the stop symbols at the end of each verse to also serve as check-boxes, allowing you to mark each lesson with verse by verse tracking.

·         Alongside this, we’ve also included space in the margins for you to mark the date of each progress point or to make notes.

·         This book contains a fold-out Hifdh Shelf that your child completes by adding the sticker in the shape of a book that represents each Surah. It’s a great way to visualise their memorisation progress.

Sahaba Cards


·         Providing a summary of a Companion’s life, capturing their timeless legacy.

·         Covering the lives of both male and female Sahaba, so everyone can benefit from them.

·         Including 34 well-known and legendary Companions, so you have plenty of examples to follow. 

·         Presenting their lives on pocket side cards that can be easily taken anywhere on the go.

·         Quoting what the Prophet (S) said about the Sahaba so you can see their importance and virtue.

·         Including a list of suggested games and uses for both groups and individuals so you can get the most out of the cards.

Tajweed Untangled

The book covers all the main rules of tajweed starting from the basics, so you can get started no matter what your level is.

·         The exercises are designed in a way to get you to spot the rules foryourself, so that you can remember them better.

·         The rules are then stated clearly in plain English so you can recall them with ease.

·         There’s plenty of practice exercises so you can implement the rules straight away.

·         The layout of the book is spacy and clear so you can make sense of what is sometimes regarded as a hard subject.

Prayer Practice

·         There are stickers that your child can place on the chart after they have prayed which makes it fun for them to track their achievement.

·         There are 8 weekly charts so you can use it with more than one children and ensure all the family track their progress.

·         At the end of each chart, there are reward stickers which make your child feel good about themselves and offers them positive encouragement. 

·         The dua recited after Salah is also included which helps your child memorise this good habit. 

·         Prayer Practice is set out in a calendar format which makes it easy to hang anywhere in the house. 

Kiitab with Read & Rise and Juz Amma

The set contains Read & Rise (Qaida) which takes your child from the Arabic alphabet all the way to reciting full verses of the Quran with Tajweed. 

After completing Read & Rise, your child is ready to start Juz Amma, the final part of the Quran. And this render of Juz Amma by Learning Roots is an amazing introduction to your child's first Quran reading experience. It comes with 

  • Kiitab 
  • Read and Rise 
  • Juzz Amma

Kiitab comes with a one-year manufacturer's warranty.

Kiitab Bundle

Read and Rise
Juzz Ama
What to Say When...
Remind Me