Fresh Organically Grown Milk Kefir Grains

Posted by Priority Mail (or choose express)

Make your own fresh milk kefir with these grains which will last for as long as you look after them.

It's a very easy process, can be fine tuned to suit your own taste and will improve the health of your personal gut microbiome.

Even lactose intolerant people can drink it and it is said to improve their lactose tolerance.

These are live grains ready to use. They have never been deactivated.

I pack in food quality BPA free packaging. The grains can tolerate the transit time packed with a little fresh milk. They live at room temperature so do not need chilling for transit.

These grains are of high quality and have been cared for over several years. They are from a mixture of batches that have been sourced over those years. This gives them a diverse profile of bacteria and yeasts that is superior to other kefir grains.

What’s included:

-1 generous teaspoon of LIVE kefir grains (enough for 1/2-1 cup of kefir milk every 24 hours)

The grains multiply when you use them and can be used for as long as they are care

Detailed instructions on growing, maintaining and making milk kefir will be included with the grains. Ongoing support to help you with your kefir is offered.


I post mailnly Mondays to try and get the grains to you within the week but Australia Post deliveries vary.

 All grains will be sent by priority post unless Tracked post  or Express post are chosen if you wish to ensure that your grains reach you rapidly.

Possible Health Benefits of Kefir are...

May Boost Immunity and Energy

Has Potent Probiotics with Approximately 64 Different strains. Has Strong Anti-oxidant and Anti-Inflammatory properties May Improve Digestion. May Improve Lactose Intolerance. May Helps Skin Disorders (IBS, Acne, Indigestion, Bloating). May help mental health, much research is being done on the close interaction between our gut and our mood