Single cured King Salmon eggs. These eggs can be pierced on a baitholder hook or jig. They are ideal for whitefish, menominee and trout. These eggs will plump back up into a round natural transparent egg within seconds when fished. They are cured with a salt based cure with additional home brew scents. They will last months in the fridge and years in the freezer. Sold per 2 oz dixie cup. Not sold by weight.
Single Salmon Eggs Cured
Single cured King Salmon eggs. These eggs can be pierced on a baitholder hook or jig. They are ideal for whitefish, menominee and trout. These eggs will plump back up into a round natural transparent egg within seconds when fished. They are cured with a salt based cure with additional home brew scents. They will last months in the fridge and years in the freezer. Sold per 2 oz dixie cup. Not sold by weight.