Transformation Aura Quartz Crystal Pendant with 925 silver chain Reiki Healing, this is a very  beautiful crystal and Reiki  Masters recommended using this new unique type of Aura Quartz for self-development and improvement,  it improves the mood bringing joy and humour into the life of the wearer, Transformation Aura Quartz helps to overcome any ups and downs in life and is Extremely  useful in times of any big changes ,

Physically  Transformation Aura Quartz is considered to improve digestive systems functioning and is believed to cleanse the Aura and heal any holes , the primary chakra for this type of Aura  Quartz is the solar plexus chakra , it also makes your Aura feel lighter as it cleans away  all the bad energy you have accumulated over time .

And when your Aura  has been  cleansed  you will find that not only will you start getting the things you should have but also the things you have  only dreamed of , comes with a 20" chain. This is a relatively new and exciting  crystal and once people have discovered it potential  its going to get very  sought-after  and much  in demand .

( Please ask if there are any Questions about this item  before you buy )