Sidr powder, also known as Jujuba, has been utilized in Ayurvedic treatment for a long time. It contains all of the nutrients that the human body need, such as carbs, sugars, fibers, and protein, and it helps to enhance the immune system. As a result, it is used in the production of a wide range of natural therapies for a wide range of diseases, health difficulties, aesthetic concerns, and other challenges. 

The Sidr tree's leaves are used for a range of medical purposes, including the treatment of numerous skin problems. Sidr Powder can be used to clean and enhance hair. It contains a lot of Saponosides and mucilages, which are common ingredients in shampoos. 

Because it has a cleansing and astringent activity that soothes and refreshes the skin, Sidr powder washes the skin softly and deeply. This herbal natural powder is ideal for combination, oily, and acne-prone skin and serves as a fantastic skincare component.

Sidr Powder Uses

Haircare Products

Haircare Products

Sidr powder is used in shampoos, conditioners, masks, and other hair care products for its gentle cleaning effects on highly sensitive scalps, as well as for strengthening, volumizing, and conditioning. It also gives your hair a lustrous sheen. It also has a color-fixing activity that helps to keep hair from greying.
Skincare Products

Skincare Products

Sidr Powder is a natural cleansing plant powder used in face packs and other skincare products for its conditioning, purifying, and soothing properties. It is gentle on the skin, and products containing it are suitable for oily and sensitive skin. Sidr Powder contains a lot of astringent and purifying components, thus it's great for skincare.
Oral Care Products

Oral Care Products

Because it aids in the preservation of oral health, sidr powder is found in many ayurvedic toothpastes, mouthwashes, and other oral hygiene products. Toothaches and gum infections can be relieved by rinsing your mouth with this herbal powder-infused water. It also treats gingivitis and a range of other tooth problems.

SIDR Powder Benefits

Aids Aches & Pain

Aids Aches & Pain

Because it contains linoleic acid, which is vital for keeping a healthy body, Sidr leaf powder treats a variety of diseases. Sidr powder paste is used to treat arthritis and muscular pain. It can also help with cramps and spasms during your menstruation.
Respiratory Disease Treatment

Respiratory Disease Treatment

Sidr powder paste is used to treat respiratory problems like chest and respiratory infections. Its paste is very helpful for sore throats since it helps to remove mucous. It also enables you to breathe clearly and deeply.
Detoxification Properties

Detoxification Properties

Toxins and harmful germs are removed from the body and blood with Sidr powder. Its powder aids in the reduction of excessive perspiration, which affects many people, particularly in the summer owing to the humid environment.
Helps Treat Skin Diseases

Helps Treat Skin Diseases

Sidr powder is used to treat skin diseases like scabies and to prevent blisters from spreading. It also treats acne and acne scars on the face and has no bad skin side effects. It also aids in the healing of skin wounds and infections
Rejuvenates Body

Rejuvenates Body

Sidr herbal powder improves the body's energy and vitality, removing lethargy, exhaustion, and sloth and keeping you stimulated all day long, as well as maintaining muscle health and strength.
Enhances Hair Health

Enhances Hair Health

Astringent and purifying characteristics are found in Organic Sidr Powder. It washes the hair and scalp thoroughly while also addressing dandruff and hair loss. It works on all hair types, including thin, weak, damaged, and chemically treated hair.

Product Specifications

INCI Name:Ziziphus Jujuba Leaf Powder
Raw Material Source:N/A
Manufacturing Process:N/A
Tested On Animals?:No
GMO:GMO-free but not certified for it.
Vegan:Vegans can use it because it does not contain any animal-derived components.
Shelf Life:2 years

CAUTION: It is meant for external purposes. Keep it away from the reach of your kids and avoid direct contact with eyes.