I tried to keep up with my stamp collecting while I was in the Navy.  So I joined the Westport Postal Commemorative Society and they did all the work for my plate block, First day Covers, and special Album's like this one.  

     In this particular album from 1977 to 1978 Westport collaborated with the U.S. Postal Service to celebrate the release of the very unique Sate Flag Series  and to produce a Limited Collector's Edition of 200 albums that contained a collection of all 50 stamps affixed to 50 custom cache's and then all 50 post marked in the state capitals of the respective states.  Each cache is an original work of art by an American Artists, and cover in mounted in it own dedicated pair of pages which provides a detailed history of the state and historical significance along with the history behind the states flag and the cache artists and depiction
    This a huge album measuring 10.5" X 12" Tall X 2.5" thick that is full of fascinating information and facts.  I have been from PA all my life, and just while I was taking these pics did I learn that PA was the second state in the Union.
      After 40 years I finally just mounted these covers in the album, so the album, panels, covers, cache's, stamps and cancellation are flawless and in pristine condition.