-This is a handmade ring made by me.
-The ring base is brass based and nickel/lead free.
-The ring base and rhinestone were attached with jewelry glue.
-The symbol was painted on with nail polish.
-Length = 1 and 1/2 inches. Width = 1 inch.


You will be receiving a citrine ring (adjustable) in gold with the symbol for the navel chakra painted in gold. This ring features a single gold Swarovski rhinestone at the top. I chose a citrine crystal for the navel chakra because this is one stone that is known to stimulate the navel chakra. Although referred go as the navel chakra, the manipura chakra does not lie right at the navel, but rather a bit above it in the stomach area between the loins and breastbone.

Central theme of the Navel Chakra: Willpower, self-confidence, self-worth, personality, self-development, self-control, freelings, sensitivity, power, forcefulness

Element: Fire

Colors: Yellow, yellow-gold, gold.

Mantra: RAM

Overall The Overall Healing benefits of Citrine:

It makes us energetic and stimulates an eagerness for diversity and adventure.

Citrine aids us in overcoming sadness and liberates us from burdensome pressures. Citrine encourages us to be more outgoing in that it helps us to freely express ourselves.

Citrine causes us to process feelings we have received. It gives us the courage to confront and take care of ourselves. It also helps us to solve problems and comprehend them quickly.  

Citrine aids the digestion. It helps the stomach, spleen and pancreas work better and will even ease diabetes in its early stages. Citrine protects the nerves and has a warming effect.